Australia is incredible.
It's so hard for me to describe everything that we've been doing. For one, classes started and I'm enjoying them! I'm taking three courses, Australian Literature, Marketing Communications, and Cross-Cultural Communication. The other three credits I'm taking go towards my internship. All my classes are going well! We have two hours of face-to-face class and one a half hours of online lecture and activities. I'm not a huge online class fan, so it certainly will take some getting used to. As for my internship, I met Lord Mayor Clover Moore - the Mayor of Sydney!! Okay so let me debrief...I had my first full week last week and it went pretty well. Monday was a lot of research and getting to know the company more, but on Tuesday, I was able to write my first creative brief. This is a lot of responsibility for an intern who's only been working for about 4 days at this point. However, they trusted me and I'm sending over the brief to our creative team this week once we get the budget for the number of prints in. Wednesday was the same type of work, I got another tour of the Sydney Opera House - starstruck every time I walk into that building. So Thursday, I walk into work and my supervisor invited me to the media launch for the City of Sydney kicking off their Chinese New Year celebration. This was such an experience, there were so many reporters, cameramen, employees, entertainers and lots of food! Lord Mayor Clover Moore spoke at the event and I briefly introduced myself before the media swept her away. These types of experiences make me excited to continue my internship!
As for personally, this week was also awesome. It was my roommate's birthday this week so we went out to Darling Harbor and at and looked out at the water. This city is so beautiful, it's so easy to fall in love with. On Friday, I saw the sun (not) rise on Bondi Beach. I woke up at 5 am and made the commute, however, it was very cloudy so no sunrise for Kelsey. I was still glad I went because it was a pretty site, next time I'll check the weather before! This weekend, two of my roommates and me went to Surf Camp Australia! It was easily one of the best weekends I've had in a while. We arrived at 7 Mile Beach (which is about 2 hours away) Friday night and star gazed at the beach. I've never seen such clear skies at night. There was a group of about 20 that went to the beach with us out of the 100 campers. We saw the Milkyway, Big Dipper, Little Dipper - you name a star and we saw it. Forever I'll have that memory and I hope to have more nights like that. Saturday we went surfing and I was actually really good! The instructor kept giving me little challenges on how to make surfing a bit harder than the last wave. After many wipeouts, I did a 360 on the board and surfed backwards. I was super sore today considering I don't ever use those muscles that I use to surf but it was just as fun of a day. We had an authentic Australian cookout both days and I want to go back sometime soon!
Tomorrow's the Super Bowl but I'll be working so I won't follow it. It's Chinese New Year and the Sydney Opera House has big events that will be keeping me busy. As for this week, no set plans yet but I always seem to find something to do!
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